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2018 Nominate a Mom Winner



Mom of 2

Read Samantha’s submission story below!
The woman I would like to nominate is my cousin Samantha Tripp. She has two children, a daughter who is 10 and a son who is 9. She had both of them young but it has never deterred her from being the best possible mother ever. She along with the help of her family are invested in the well being of these beautiful babies. Samantha is an inspiration to me because although she works, is a single mom, she always finds a way to be there for and to continue to encourage her children to go for their dreams. Most recently, both of Samantha's children have actively become track stars. She fundraiser, markets the team and is the biggest supporter in the stands. I'm so proud of her determination to make sure that her children don't become average but she raises them to be excellent at whatever they desire to be. That's why she deserves this award because she gives when no one else sees, extends herself beyond human possibilities and rarely has time for herself but she has never once complained. Her Facebook name is Samantha Tripp and you can see for yourself how remarkable she is.

Read Samantha's testimony


In 2018, I received an unexpected phone call from my beloved warm spirited cousin Techina Jackson. Techina informed me she had nominated me for the "nominate a mom award" through the organization, Profitable Daughters. I found myself both grateful and overwhelmed to even be considered as a candidate. Upon reading the nomination entry I gained perspective and was able to see myself through the eyes of someone else. I was also able to reflect on the busy life of motherhood. Motherhood definitely has its challenges, but being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child but what you've gained from having one. Since receiving the award and cash prize for this amazing nomination, I continuously strive to install good character, respect, kindness, and integrity, into my children. I would definitely extend this nomination to other deserving mothers. I would like to extend my gratitude to Mrs. Brittany Walugembe - Founder of Profitable Daughters and Ms. Techina Jackson for nominating me in 2018.

Best regards,

Samantha Tripp.

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